Wednesday, March 19, 2014

man vs. cooking

Hello everyone !

So today's post is about man vs. cooking. As we all know, when we talk about cook, it will always related with woman. But I would like to share about my other passion which is cooking. 

In this post I would love to share one of the simplest recipe which is Cheesekut.

Oh, by the way cheesekut is adopted from

cheese + biscuit.

Here are the recipe.

The steps;

By using mixer, beat cream cheese with ½ of sweetened condensed milk until fluffy.

Dip biscuits in milk first before arrange them in the box.

Pour 2 or 3 scoops of cream cheese in the biscuits.

Repeat the steps again. Until you can see the outcome just like this.     

Lastly, put it in the refrigerator

Here is the outcome !

*Best served while chilled*

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